Energy flow

From heaven to earth                    Be r l i n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Master Parichard Holm       



Upcoming Events & Workshops 2024


Tai Chi Schnupper Workshop 

Deen Fitness Club Berlin Steglitz

Mo 30.12. 2024, 14.15- 15.15 Uhr

Erlebe die faszinierende Welt des Tai Chi! In diesem Schnupperkurs erfährst du mehr über die

Geschichte und Theorie dieser sanften Verteidigungskunst. Du lernst die ersten Bewegungen

des Yang-Stils kennen und entdeckst die energetischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.


Weiterführender Kursbeginn: Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2025

Uhrzeit: 8:45 - 9:45 Uhr

Ort: Deen

Melde dich jetzt an und starte dein Tai Chi Abenteuer!


30.12. 2024, 14.15- 15.15 Uhr


DEEN fitness club, Rheinstraße 45, 12161 Berlin


DEEN Fitness Studio: 030.8512211, www.deen.de

Mehr Informationen und Fragen über den Workshop:

Master Practitioner Parichard Holm,

0151.4648.8884, taichimatrix@gmail.com.

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Past Events & Workshops 2024

International Tai Chi & Qigong Festival

NEFES COLLECTIVE 26-30 October 2024

Turquoise Hotel Antalya, Side

Tai Chi & Qigong Festival


Dates: 26-30 October 2024

Location: Turquoise Hotel Antalya, Side

Experience one of the largest Tai Chi, Qigong and Internal Arts festivals at the stunning Turquoise Hotel nestled in the serene Sorgun Forests and right by the sea. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner NEFES COLLECTIVE welcomes enthusiasts of all levels.

QiHealing Session Workshop 

Deen Fitness Studio, Berlin Steglitz

Sa 5. 10. 2024, 11- 12.45 Uhr

In diesem Workshop wirst du in einer kleinen Gruppe von 6- 7 TeilnehmerInnen eine spirituelle und energetische Wirbelsäulenaufrichtung erfahren. Mit dem Bewusstsein des  Qi aktivieren wir eine Selbstheilung, die ganz individuell auf jeden Teilnehmer ausgerichtet ist.

Intensive Yin & Yang Sommer Workshop unter Freiem Himmel

Qigong meets Calligraphy

Berlin 20. Juli 2024

Fire becomes Earth.

Fire becomes Earth.

Content of the workshop:

With Qigong movements, you can connect with the polarities of yin and yang and let these forces of heaven and earth flow through your body as a “small cycle”. To increase your grounding and consciousness, you connect directly to Heaven and Earth.

The 5-element Qigong consists of different movements that have arisen from the dynamics of the polarities Yin and Yang, in order to bring us energetically into balance. In this session, we will get to know the element Earth more closely with guided meditation and will be able to absorb parts of the energetic properties of the Earth in us and balance us.

In the second part of the workshop, you will draw the element Earth: 地 in Chinese block script. With a certain breathing technique for drawing, the word earth will let you concentrate your Qi to inner yourself.

All participants can sit at the table, materials such as brush, ink and Washi paper, which is special Japanese paper for calligraphy are freely made available. If you are interested in drawing on the floor, please bring an appropriate document (e.g. DIN A4 cardboard) yourself.

This part of the workshop will be held in English. A translation into German is possible.

Schöneberg Sounds: A soundwalk between soundscapes and Kiez stories 

Supported by Tai Chi Matrix

Thursday, 23 May from 11:30-13:00, start/return in Kleistpark

We hereby invite all students of Master Parichard Holm to take part in a soundwalk through Schöneberg after the Tai Chi course.

Students of the other Tai Chi and Qigong courses are also cordially invited.


The audio walk will be led by Tai Chi Matrix students Klaus Brenneisen (certified guide, e.g. for VisitBerlin) and Carla J. Maier (cultural studies scholar specializing in sound and listening).

On this audio walk you will learn historical facts and Kiezstories about the buildings, squares and localities of Schöneberg. While we roam the neighbourhood, you will also be invited to simply listen to the surroundings and their situational soundscapes and get to know various creative techniques of individual and collective listening.


Pfingstmontag, Qigong und ChiHealing

20. Mai 2024 im Deen Fitness Club, 10:15-11:45 Uhr

In diesem Workshop bist du eingeladen ChiHealing, das Bewusstsein für Selbstheilung, kennenzulernen. Mit Übungen zu den Polaritäten Himmel und Erde darfst Du Dich an die Energiequellen des Yang und Yin anbinden. Mit den 5 Elementen des Qigongs lernst Du die aus dem Yin und Yang entstandenen 5 Elemente kennen und wirst somit auch mehr über Deine eigene Zusammensetzung der 5 Elemente erfahren.

Mit einer 5-Elemente-Meditation kannst Du Deine eigenen Elemente in die Balancebringen. Mit ChiHealing werden wir das Bewusstsein für eine Selbstheilung aktivieren.

Welt Tai Chi & Qigong Tag, Treffen in Berlin

Samstag 27. April 2024, 14.30 Uhr, Park am Gleisdreieck

Liebe Tai-Chi und Qi-Gong Freunde,

LJCTA und Tai Chi Matrix laden Euch zum gemeinsamen Üben und feiern des Welt Tai-Chi und Qi-Gong Tags ein — Vorführungen zum Mitmachen und Wohlfühlen für alle! Kostenfrei für alle!

Wir wollen das Bewusstsein für die Gemeinsamkeiten aller Schulen und Übungsrichtungen beim Tai-Chi und Qi-Gong in familiärer Atmosphäre feiern und so gemeinsam einen Beitrag zum Welt Tai-Chi und Qi-Gong Tag geben.

Der World Tai Chi & Qigong Day ist ein Zusammenkommen um zusammen zu praktizieren, zu teilen, sich kennenzulernen und gute Energien zu aktivieren.

Wir freuen uns auf eine friedliche und harmonische Veranstaltung zusammen mit Euch!

Wann? Wo?


Samstag, 27. April 2024


14:30 - 16:00 Uhr

Samstag, 27. April 2024


14:30 - 16:00 Uhr


Park am Gleisdreieck in Berlin, Kreuzberg

auf der Kreuzberger Wiese (östlicher Teil des Parks)

im Bereich Eingang Möckernstraße/Hornstraße.

“Tai Chi meets Qigong” Workshop at Dasoudi Beach 

Master Parichard Holm and Agamemnon Myrianthopoulos

March 31st, 2024, 2:30pm to 4:30pm 

Come into deep breathing, open up and relax with Qigong, Tai Chi and the rhythm of the sea.

Part 1 

Qigong „Four Basic exercises“ to unlock the Qi.

Part 2

1. The internal spiral for grounding in Tai Chi.

2. Explore the connection between your energetic spacious center and your roots with a partner in Tai Chi Pushing Hands.


March 31st, 2:30pm to 4:30pm.


Dasoudi Beach- Blue Flag

Georgiou A14

Limassol 4047, Cyprus

Parichard is the founder, in cooperation with Agamemnon, of “Tai Chi meets Qigong - Circle of Selfhealers“ Workshop Festival in Gialia, Cyprus, from October 11th to 14th, 2024.

They are looking forward to introducing themself and their work at the Dasoudi Qigong workshop.

Qigong Workshop with Master Parichard Holm

March 24th, 2024, 11:30am to 1pm, Pegeia, Cyprus

Awaken the power of the Green Dragon in you!

The year of the Green Dragon in 2024 gives you the power of inner transformation, to be able to freely express your subtle essence.

Content of the workshop:

1. With Qigong exercises, we invite the infinite we-consciousness of heaven and manifest it through our body into the earth.

2. The Qigong movement of the Green Dragon connects the forces between earth and heaven, and let them flow through our body alive with the energy of a spiral.

3. The healing sound for the liver can dissolve our negative emotions in the organ, creates more space for inner growth and spontaneous self-expression.

4. Final meditation.

Past Events & Workshops 2023

Tai Chi, Qigong &

Wellness Training Camp

28- 31 October 2023 Antalya, Türkey

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Qigong and Tai Chi Master Parichard Holm is offering Workshops in Cyprus

Fri Oct 13th to Sun 15th, 2023 at Val’s Place, Gialia

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Qigong and Tai Chi  with Master Parichard Holm at Cite internationale des arts

August 16th, 10 am, Paris, France

"Delve into the dance of mind and body as a boundless space defined by awareness. Unfurl your energy into this expanse, allowing it to return to your core and roots. Revel in the wonder of reconnecting with the earth, no matter where you are, and uncover truths about your essence—feeling deeply into your present state of being. Embrace endless possibilities while remaining anchored and secure." -Parichard Holm

Qigong and Tai Chi at Val´s Place

April 14th, 2:30 pm, Gaialia, Cyprus

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